we stopped at Vista Point some where near San Francisco. check out the nitro sticker

i climbed a tree

it was really windy

spot check. we found this sick down flat down rail

We made it to Santa Cruz after 14 and a half hours, and stayed at elena's aunt marie's house where we had an ultimate nerf gun war with her kids dewey and camille

i used the shot gun



next day we went to the boardwalk and watched some surfers. surfing is so cool

frane made a friend on the beach

then he got pooped on by a seagull. directly on the head
marie and elena gave me a haircut

camille looking stoked for my hair cut
the new hair dew

frane about choked him self on the tree fort ladder

jumping off the tree fort

all my hair. looks like it could make a good wig

hannah had a sweet personalized bag

second day at natural bridges beach in Santa Cruz

we stopped at the fruit stand to get some california oranges. pure good

this lady was just relaxing doing a crossword puzzle

we got some gas at this station with no lights, we figured it would be the cheapest

bart making a little dinner on the road

we pulled a u turn for this place!

we needed some quick energy

we got to the cabin at eleven thirty at night they had the key waiting for us

first run at bear, got worked

our cabin deck